fs. Jan (A I)
° ± 1649
x Bassevelde 15/2/1681 Judoca Slock
He was born approximately 1649 and married on 15 February 1681 in Bassevelde with Judoca Slock 4 years his junior. They farmed in the Oude Boekhoutestraat (Old Boekhoute Road).
According to the 1698 Domesday book Jan exploited 12 acres and 160 rods in the 8th section of Bassevelde. This 8th section is between what is now the Oude Boekhoutestraat to the north, the Village to the west, the New Boekhoutestreet to the south and south-east and the Heulken to the northeast. Before 1704 he also had in lease-hold 3 acres and 175 rods in the same section and 6 acres in the 5th section, currently the Oosthoek (East Corner) and a little more than 3 acres in the 6th section which was between the Oosthoek, Dijkstraat (Dike Road) and St. Anna.
All that means that Jan used at that time more than 25 acres of land. And on 11/4/1706 that went down to 9 acres and 160 rods when he lost the lease-hold of most of the land he used before in the 8th section. In fact he had to be satisfied with an older, smaller farm perhaps badly in need of repair.
Bassevelde, merged with
Assenede since 1976, was during
the Ancien Regime part of the Corporation of Boekhoute, together with
Oosteeklo and
Boekhoute itself. In the
late Middle Ages it was an important village within this Corporation.
To the north of Bassevelde there is the Graafjansdijk (Duke John's Dyke) built
in the 14th Century to try and protect the village against the violence
of the sea. In 1394, but also in 1450, 1480, 1483 and 1488 terrible storms and
inundations devastated the region. Then during the civil war at the end of
the 15th Century many dykes of the 4 Corporations were cut on orders of
Archduke Maximilian of Austria. Many inhabitants of the Boekhoute Corporation
then had to flee the menacing violence of war.
At the beginning of the Reformation in the second half of the 16th Century, the iconoclasts appeared all of a sudden on the scene all over Flanders. They were against the worship of icons and sent armed gangs to destroy statues, books, paintings, stained glass windows etc. In less than 10 days they destroyed more than 400 churches, which according to Ortelius "the next day looked like the devil had housed there for a hundred years". Bassevelde suffered very badly by the Iconoclasts. Fortunately the church vestments and jewels were transferred to a safe place but, worst of all perhaps, the village priest became a preacher of the new doctrine.
The wars of the ambitious King Louis XIV didn't do Bassevelde any good either
and the village was partially depopulated. In 1671-72 all the valuables of the
church were transferred for safe keeping to the Great Beguinage in Ghent. In
1678 the tenants obtained a remission of their debts because of the excessive expenses
of quartering the French soldiers.
Looting, exploitation and extortion were repeated as troops were quartered here:
in 1696 there were the English Dragoons, in 1704 there were the Dutch under
General Spar, in 1707 and 1708 the French were here again.
From 1713, the end of Spanish rule and the start of the Austrian period, things improved in our regions. There was more security. Manufacturing industry, commerce and agriculture flourished. And the population grew. In 1729 Bassevelde had 1809 inhabitants. At the beginning of the 19th Century this had increased to 2800.
Joannes has surely not seen a lot of these improved conditions. In 1681 he had married Judoca Slock. The first years of their marriage had been a bit calmer. Those had been years of reconstruction. But while their family grew more misery came their way. When the peace of the Austrian Empire came they were both in their 60s. After 43 years together for better or worse Jan died in Bassevelde on 17 March 1724. He was 75.
Judoca, his widow, then went to live with her daughter Joanna in Boekhoute, together with her unmarried son Joannes. And there mother and son died on the same day, 14 December 1731. She was 78 and he was 38.
Their children:
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Joannes (C III)
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